Monday, February 3, 2014

CNY review 2014. 下次会更好!

       So peeps, Chinese New Year is finally over ;( How sad! School starts tomorrow. Before that dread even began, let me share some story, or I should say, a review of the Chinese New Year I've spent this year.
       For the first day, 初一, as usual, I get Ang Paos, red packets, from relatives and family members, have lunch at my grandmas home (sumptuous meal :D) and lastly, the "grand finale", going to my distant cousin's house at night. I was kinda anticipating a better experience at my cousins house. Compared to the previous years, this year didn't went as well. (Although they were dressed cutely and prettily. ;) *1) is there even such a word? 2) Not much incest intended..)  There wasn't any "drinks"(random fruits mashed up to form a weird tasting juice) as punishments when we lost in poker games, not much communications with distant cousins, and more... Feels kinda bored.. Plus, I was dragged into watching hunger games 1, which I have completely no idea what the storyline was about as I was drunk. But! I remain awake due to constant "spoiling" of the story by my cousin beside me and the conscious to not let her down. The day basically didn't run well. Hope Next Year's 初一 will be better!
       The second day, 初二, was the day I fell sick. BAD SORE THROAT and I didn't eat any snacks and ba kwa. The day practically was mainstream ttm. Visit maternal grandma, play "Dai Di", leave to 二姨婆's house, go paternal uncles house, play poker, sleep, the end. Kind of boring right, such yearly routine.. But, at least I saw my ah ma, every 初二 night, which kind of saved my day.
       The last day I actually celebrated was 初三. I won $18 man!! From traditional old ah ma game, '四色牌'  some more. It was the first time I was ever in "combat", gambled and poof, money came rolling in. I must be too skillful :P. However, I'm not really into gambling that much, unlike other of my relatives, so yeah, not really that interested in the end results. Just the process of learning how to play is more than enough!
       Overall, this years CNY isn't that interesting after all. Hope that in the future, relatives and cousins can interact with each other more often, rather than being engrossed in their phone's games.. 希望下个新年更好,更有趣 !

Sunday, February 2, 2014


             那位阿婆走向了一位也同样站在巴士站,穿着西装,打着领带的年轻人用着颤抖的手叫了他一声。那位年轻人自高自大,无礼的说:你要什么阿婆回复道:年轻人啊,我的钱包不见了,没钱搭车回家,你能给我一元的钱搭车吗?” 那位阿婆很诚恳,很有礼的问道。
             等搭巴士的乘客们原本还以为那位年轻人会大发慈悲,把一元钱给那位阿婆,毕竟,以他的穿着来看一元钱对他来说根本不算什么。但大家,包括我,万万没想到,他不仅不给钱,反而还破口大骂道:你这个骗子,以为装可怜就能骗我的钱?省省吧!没用的!” 他这么一诬赖,有些乘客也信以为真,说道诈骗集团怎么会请这么一个烂演员呀!哈哈哈!
             从阿婆的脸上,我能看出她伤心无奈的样子,眼泪就快从眼眶落了下来。我很愤怒,想要站出来帮她时,碰巧一位学生,大约十五岁,从位子上站了起来,走向阿婆。她从钱包里掏出了五元钱,递给了阿婆,还问了她,她家住哪里。听了以后,他耐心的对阿婆说:阿婆,你在这打车是错的。你应该过对面,乘搭265号巴士,5 个站才会顺利到家。接着,他边把手中的雨伞给了那位阿婆。
              这时,其他乘客都目瞪口呆,没想到肯帮阿婆,不停其他人的劝告,竟然是一位中学生。阿婆感激不尽,连忙道谢,说:谢谢你呀小弟,谢谢你。好人一定会有好报呀!” 那位学生答复,不客气应该的。阿婆与学生告别后,那位骄傲自满的年轻人与和他连同诬赖阿婆为骗子的乘客在那瞬间,露出了惭愧,抱歉的表情。
              我走向前,好奇地问那位学生:你为何在他人都诬赖阿婆的情况下,号是坚决选择帮助阿婆呢?” 他微笑着说:老师常说,助人为快乐之本,况且那位阿婆没理由只想骗我们一元钱就溜了。所以我判断,这位阿婆应该是真的不见了钱包,没钱打车回家!