Saturday, January 25, 2014



                    I want to be a Hero! An engineer! A scientist! Remember those dreams that you once have while you were young? The excitement and enthusiasm to achieve that goal? Most of the time, our initial passion for our dreams tends to be crushed when someone condemns our ideas, saying that those dreams are simply a futile wish of our own desire and we will never succeed. We were instilled since young that these dreams were impractical and will definitely fail. Gradually, we stop dreaming, stop thinking of what we could have done to succeed, stop trying to be someone we really want to be.

                   Inevitably, when there are dreams, there are bound to be failures. Pursuing after a dream is indeed difficult. However, each time we fail, we learn. Perseverance is the crucial key to success of our dreams. Thomas Edison, had a noble goal, to bring about convenience to the people in the world. Despite approximately three thousand times of failed attempts, he did not succumb to the failures but instead, overcome the obstacle one by one. Eventually, he created the light bulb. Without his dream, his perseverance, we might still be using candles and matches to ignite in the dark. 
                  In pursuit of our dreams, we often get criticisms from people around us as they perceived our goals to be impractical. They condemn us, tell us that our dreams are impossible and could never be achieved. Sometimes, we feel insecure and think back doubting whether these dreams could actually be achieved. However, I strongly believe that if we work really hard, achieving our dream is never impossible. If Albert Einstein had listened to his teacher, who constantly calls him slow, insults him as a mentally handicapped child who will never be able to succeed, he will never be able to achieve his dream and become who he was really meant to be, a Scientist, known to the globe till date.

                 When we fail in the quest of hunting our dreams, we should never be too discouraged but rather, set our dreams as the source of motivation to keep us going. Mr Steven Spielberg, a renowned film director had a dream to produce and direct his own movies. However, his movies were once rejected by the University of Southern California, putting his career as well as his dream at danger. Fortunately, after alterations and improvements made on the flaws of his story line, he managed to get his movie approved at the third try. He admitted being discouraged when he failed but shared that his dream was his soul encouragement that spurred him on greatly, constantly motivating him to think of a variety of ways to improve. Currently, he is one of the world’s most prominent movie directors known.

                 With a dream, our life will stay motivated and fruitful, but without it, our life will simply be meaningless and pointless. Have a dream, pursue it to the fullest. Never give up, never be too afraid to try. With that, our dream will eventually succeed!

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